Organic Apple Cider Vinegar
Pure Maple Syrup
Cocoa Nibs
Red Onion
Horse Radish Root
Organic Mint Flavor
Cocoa Powder
Pure Maple Syrup
Contains antioxidants that help prevent chronic disease
Low glycemic index to support healthy glucose metabolism
May help fight inflammation and neurodegenerative disease
Can support immune system
Supports skin health
Improves digestion ( gas, bloating, cramping, constipation )
Contains zinc, manganese, potassium and calcium
Healthier alternative to artificial sweeteners
Enhances the use of antibiotics
Cacao Nibs
Contains phytonutrients, flavonoids, sulfur, magnesium (needed for 300 biochemical reactions in the human body!) & polyphenols
Fights oxidative stress
Improves heart function & supports health blood pressure
Stimulates nervous system
Improves kidney function
support nitric oxide bioavailability (using fat as fuel)
Improves mitochondrial structure and function
Supports muscles and nerve function
Can help prevent iron deficiency anemia
Enhances mood by acting on neurotransmitters
Decrease cholesterol
Heart Healthy
Can help prevent and relieve constipation
Natural energy booster
Reduces triglyceride levels
Boosts Bone Health (rich in calcium)
Good source of phytochemicals (stimulates immune system, reduces carcinogenic effects of consumption, reduces inflammation that supports cancer growth, prevents DNA damage, improves hormone regulation )
Antimicrobial, antioxidant, anticarcinogensis, anti inflammatory, antispasmodic
Boosts immune system, fights against infections, sore throats & against 120 different bacterial strains in the oral cavity, respiratory system and genitourinary tract
Supports respiratory health
Slows aging process
Assists in lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels
Boosts mood by increasing dopamine and serotonin
Natural remedy for bronchitis
Supports heart health, reduces risk of heart attack, promotes blood circulation
Assist in improvement of osteoporosis
Protects the nervous system & improves brain function
Can assist with diabetic retinopathy
Relieves hot flashes
Enhances brain function & memory
Balances hormone levels
Improves digestion & decreases indigestion
Relieves cold symptoms
Supports oral hygiene
Soothes breastfeeding pain
Reduces PCOS symptoms, IBS symptoms, fatigue and anxiety, heart burn & testosterone levels in women
Stimulates Central Nervous System
Cacao Powder
Reduces oxidative stress
Reduces inflammation
Contains flavonoids
Reduces bacteria in gut that lead to inflammatory properties
Supports cardiovascular health & improves circulation while enhancing blood vessel function – improving blood pressure
Improves insulin sensitivity & improves blood sugar levels
Reduces inflammation
Improves mood, reduces depression symptoms & improves calmness and contentment
Reduces PMS symptoms
Increases Libido/aphrodisiac
Improves mental performance, reduces risk of neurodegenerative disease, increases brain connectivity, protects against stroke, dementia, cognitive decline and supports normal aging of the brain
Base Benefits
Most of our Fire Ciders begin with the same AWESOME base. Follow this link back to the main Fire Cider page to read all about the benefits for Apple Cider Vinegar, Garlic, Onions, Horseradish, & Ginger.